Compassionate parent bot artwork
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Reflections & Affections

PTA: Parents and Teachers Agree.

One of the more powerful rights we have in America is our freedom of expression. One of the most dangerous rights we have in America is our freedom of expression.

We protest to ban guns that can destroy the body,
then argue to protect images that can destroy the mind.

Ball of Confusion

While freedom of expression is a fundamental right in America that should be protected, it also requires responsibility and accountability. People should be aware of the impact their words can have on others and should avoid using their freedom of expression to cause harm. If a picture’s worth a thousand words, visual creators should be extra mindful on how their work ‘reads’, not just to themselves. Causing some offense is nearly unavoidable. On the other hand, some offenses are rather predictable, if not intentional (let’s cash in on controversy).

Art reflects the heart of the artist.
Art affects the heart of the viewer.

For context, see: What Are You Brewing and The Writing’s on the Wall

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One Comment

  1. Keni,
    You did it once again. Your writings are simple, but very powerful. Each one speaks something to my heart.


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